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Michael Kidger Memorial Scholarship
/ Administration
Michael Kidger Memorial Scholarship:
Administration The Michael Kidger Memorial Scholarship is an independent scholarship administered by a select committee of leading optical designers and the Michael Kidger family.
Committee Responsibilities:
Kidger Scholarship Committee Chair’s responsibilities:
- providing leadership, vision, and direction for the continued evolution and advancement of the Kidger Scholarship;
- serving as the liaison to the Kidger Scholarship Committee;
- leading the Committee in its roles and responsibilities;
- making the final recommendations of the annual award winner, including the amount of the award.
Kidger Scholarship Committee Members' responsibilities:
- participate In the scholarship application evaluation and ranking process;
- approve the Chair's Recommendation of award winner and the corresponding award amount;
- provide ideas and input on scholarship award policies and processes;
- publicize the award program to attract highly qualified applicants.
Committee Members:
Fabian Dürr
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE (Chair)
Bráulio F C de Albuquerque |
OHB System AG, Munchen, DE |
Julie Bentley |
University of Rochester, USA |
Vladan Blahnik |
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, DE |
Martin Caldwell
RAL Space, Oxfordshire, UK
Joshua M. Cobb |
Meta, USA
Stuart David |
Massachusetts, USA |
Florian Fournier |
Apple, USA |
Marta de la Fuente |
ASE Optics Europe |
Julius A. Muschaweck |
JMO GmbH, DE |
Yunfeng Nie |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE |
Donald O'Shea
Prof. Emeritus, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Andrew Rakich
Mersenne Optical Consulting, NZ |
Simon Thibault
Laval University, CAN |
Andreas Timinger
Lumileds GmbH, DE