Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) has kindly offered to be
sponsors of the 2013 UKODM. RAL is providing their excellent meeting
facilities plus refreshments, including lunch and coffee breaks. Student travel
is being sponsored by Synopsys, Optical Solutions Group.
Additional sponsorship is provided by Comar Instruments, Cambridge, UK.
A minimal registration fee of £50
cover professional, admin. and management services is requested in
complete the
registration form and
submit your registration fee per the instructions on the
form at your earliest convenience.
To assist our records for the future, we request that you please
sign the attendee list, when you pick up your name badge from the table at the
main entrance to the lecture theatre.
Note: RAL is a secure facility. Attendees will be required to present a Photo ID (license or passport) for entry.
Notes for Authors:
The lecture theatre will have a digital projector and a PC. Presenters are advised to bring
their presentation materials on a memory stick.
Poster authors are advised to please bring their posters with them (A0
portrait size). Printers will NOT be available for printing on the day of the meeting.
Poster Boards will be available for authors.

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell, Oxfordshire