ORGANIZATION & SPONSORSHIP - Tina E Kidger, Kidger Optics
Associates, UK, organized in association with Sergio Bonaque González, INtech La
Laguna: IACTEC, Tenerife the fifth Spanish Optical Design
Meeting, ES-ODM 2024. Conference management was supported by:
Magna Congresos, La Laguna, Tenerife. Magna
Congresos and Sedoptica participated as cooperating organizations.
Sponsors contributing to the success of ESODM 2024 were INtech La Laguna: IACTec, ZEISS, ASE Optics Europe, Wooptix, IberOptics, Edmund Optics Worldwide, Kidger Optics Assoc., and SYNOPSYS - Optical Solutions Group (see logos). Sponsors are a key enabling factor in bringing ESODM's to fruition.
Sponsors and/or speakers are requested not to directly promote their company
products during their meeting presentation. However, distribution of company
literature has always been permitted and for the first time sponsors may promote
their products by providing a link to an associated product(s) web page to be placed on the, ODM web page.
- A visit to Mount Teide, Friday 2-9-24, was arranged for those
interested. The visit was attended by aproximately half of the meeting attendees.
